Friday, September 21, 2007

An Issue Of Trust

I woke up this morning thinking about trust, what it means to trust, and how often we fall short of trusting our heavenly Father even though we know He has the best of intentions toward us, His beloved children.
It seems, that too often we trust men rather than God more frequently and with greater fervor, even though time and time again men have failed us, betrayed us, fallen short of our expectations and disappointed us. These are all human traits, human faults and shortcomings, none of which are found in God. It is His solemn promise that He will never leave us, or forsake us, that He will always be there, and that His hand will guide us on the straight and narrow path of faith. Why then is it, that as human beings we have the tendency to dismiss the promises of God, and run back into the arms of men who only recently disappointed and abused said trust?
Th issue of trust is an all or nothing matter. Either we trust God in everything, or we trust him in nothing at all.
We cannot pick and choose the circumstances in which we choose to trust God, and rely our own ingenuity in others. Partial trust, is no trust at all, and God will accept nothing less than complete surrender in every area of our lives.

With love in Christ,

Michael Boldea Jr.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your words that have "the ring of truth". So many times we want to play with shades of grey when many things that Jesus said are to emphasise black and white or light and dark or even truth and deception. We must not flinch from the uncomfortable task that faces us in declaring the truth of Jesus. Well done for the stand that you and your family have taken in this hour.

Mike Root - Australia

Anonymous said...

Oh how God is using you to reach to the fartherest corners of the world Praise His Holy name. Truth is what is needed most in the hour in which we are living...hunger for it church..